Saturday, November 15, 2008

Say It Again

Thanks to Cf for introducing me WongFu Productions about a year ago, I love watching their video creations irregardless if it's funny or so sweet and romantic..

As I was checking out their website, I found their engagement video for their friends who were in a relationship for 5 years living far apart in 2 different locations (LA and Taipei).

It is so rare to see this kind of relationship.
Hmm..maybe long-distance relationships are possible huh..hehe =)

Anyway, enjoy the video ok? It's so darn sweet...when I watched the video, it made me say " sweet". hehe :)

The benefits of camwhoring. haha!

I love the last 1 and half minutes of the video. hehe!

The song that they used is "Say It Again" by Marie Digby.

So enjoy the video! :)

I shall go to sleep and have a nice and sweet loving dream <3

Hope you do too! :)

Toodles <3

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