Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So much for getting a HD for my IMC subject. It was the one and only subject that I could have got a HD but my stupid exam paper just had to stop me from getting my HD. ARGH!!

My HD totally left me to die in the exam hall. I think my brain did too. :( :(
So frustrated!! Too many questions, too little time. AHH!!!

Screw it la!!

Now I just have to focus on one more exam paper on Friday morning, then I'm done.

I doubt it will be any easier than any of my other papers. It's a 3rd year unit wei. There is no mark allocations for the questions in the paper too. So how am I suppose to know how much I should write?! frus!!

Just to make matters worse, I dunno whether it's the stress or what but I have like 4 HUGE/GIANT pimples on my forehead.

It looks as though someone smack me on the forehead or either I did it, but the answer is neither.

It's so red and obvious. If I could, I don't even wanna leave my house. Malu la..

I feel like the ugly duckling now :(

please let the pimples go away. GO AWAY!!

sorry for being sounding so angry. i need really need to de-stress.

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