Monday, August 4, 2008

What's up with Friendster?

Is Friendster going Malay? Ooppss.. I mean is Friendster targeting the Malays right now..??

Hmm..from my point of view, it looks as though they are. LOL.

Nowadays, whenever I open the Friendster's all in Bahasa Malaysia. LOL. What happen to English!?! I just hate switching the language every time even though I still understand my malay.

I'm not trying to discriminate here but...why lah they change the language?! Is it just happening to me or what?

It was never like this last time. ish!

Friendster is now outdated edi lor. The new in-thing is Facebook but I'm actually getting sick of it too.
The internet is getting boring. *yawns*

Btw, I wished I went for the MTV Asia Awards in Genting..I wana see Utt..
he's so good looking!! hehe! :)

p.s: i want free Avril Lavigne concert tickets pls..anyone got extra to spare?? hehe :p

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